Top Things to See & Do in Pamplona

Cosas que ver y hacer en Pamplona Have you visited Pamplona, capital of the kingdom of Navarra? or well, now the region of Navarra. Most of us have heard about the famous running of the bulls or San Fermín Festival, but this beautiful city has a lot more to offer than bulls and partying. So, any time is a good time to visit Pamplona (especially during warm weather). If you’re making a trip through Spain I advise you to take a minimum of 2 whole days for Pamplona. We made the trip from the southwest of France by car which is relatively close as well. Here is a list of the top things to see & do in Pamplona! ¿Ya han visitado a Pamplona, capital del Reinado de Navarra? bueno, pues ahora la región de Navarra. Creo que la mayoría de nosotros hemos escuchado hablar sobre Pamplona y su famoso festival de San Fermín, pero esta hermosa ciudad tiene mucho más que ofrecer que toros y fiesta. Así que cualquier momento es buen momento para visitar Pamplona (en especial durante clima cálido).  Si están haciendo un paseo por España les aconsejo que separen mínimo 2 días enteros para Pamplona, nosotros hicimos […]

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Shànghǎi – Futuristic City [Ciudad Futurista]

Shànghǎi - Futuristic City [Ciudad Futurista]

Unfortunately our trip to Shanghai was very short, we were there for only 3 days taking advantage of the fact that we had some friends that lived there. Our final destination was actually Vietnam. To travel to China most people need a visa (Colombians, French, Americans , etc.) however you can do transit through the country for a total of 144 hours. So luckily we didn’t have to deal with that! But you do have to get a special permit upon arrival, showing you’re there for the less than the hours permitted.

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