Travel La Rioja, Spain

Visita La Rioja, España Travel La Rioja, Spain! In Europe, the regions renowned for their wines are many, and Spain is not the exception. The Rioja region, located in the north of Spain is rich in wine production, specifically red wine. The vineyards surround the Río Ebro (river) and with the years its wineries have become more than just places to store and produce wine, they have become artworks. To begin this trip through the Rioja, we arrive in Logroño, its capital. En Europa las regiones reconocidas por su vino abundan y España no es la excepción. La región de La Rioja, ubicada al norte de España es rica en producción de vino, en especial el vino tinto. Los viñedos rodean el Río Ebro y con los años sus bodegas se han convertido en más que un lugar de producción y almacenamiento, en obras de arte. Para empezar este viaje por la Rioja llegamos a Logroño su capital. To visit the region, I suggest you rent a car to arrive to Logroño, this way you will be able to move around the region much easier. Logroño is a city with a charming and lively center, it’s definitely worth spending some nights […]

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Top Things to See & Do in Pamplona

Cosas que ver y hacer en Pamplona Have you visited Pamplona, capital of the kingdom of Navarra? or well, now the region of Navarra. Most of us have heard about the famous running of the bulls or San Fermín Festival, but this beautiful city has a lot more to offer than bulls and partying. So, any time is a good time to visit Pamplona (especially during warm weather). If you’re making a trip through Spain I advise you to take a minimum of 2 whole days for Pamplona. We made the trip from the southwest of France by car which is relatively close as well. Here is a list of the top things to see & do in Pamplona! ¿Ya han visitado a Pamplona, capital del Reinado de Navarra? bueno, pues ahora la región de Navarra. Creo que la mayoría de nosotros hemos escuchado hablar sobre Pamplona y su famoso festival de San Fermín, pero esta hermosa ciudad tiene mucho más que ofrecer que toros y fiesta. Así que cualquier momento es buen momento para visitar Pamplona (en especial durante clima cálido).  Si están haciendo un paseo por España les aconsejo que separen mínimo 2 días enteros para Pamplona, nosotros hicimos […]

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Top 10 Things to do in Madrid [10 Cosas que Hacer en Madrid]

Top 10 Things to do in Madrid

When visiting Spain for the first time, Madrid, is a must in your itinerary. One of the biggest cities in Europe, Madrid is a city full of life like no other. With a savory cuisine; cultural activities for every taste; an architectural blend from various historical periods; a city so open, where differences are not looked down upon; and a world capital that transforms when the sun goes down, from its famous ‘terrazas’ to dancing the night away; Madrid is a city for everyone. With flights coming in from all mayor cities in the world, and an easy transportation system to navigate, there’s no excuse for you to skip Madrid. So enjoy and make sure to check off the Top 10 Things to do in Madrid [10 Cosas que Hacer en Madrid].

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