Viaje a Bali de 2 Semanas [Indonesia]

Si vas a visitar a Bali, dos semanas, te da el tiempo suficiente para disfrutar y recorrer la bella isla. Claro que podrías visitar a Bali solo una semana y después ir a otro lugar en Asia, pero se estarán perdiendo de cosas muy lindas. La mejor manera de recorrer la isla es contratando a un chofer.  Puedes encontrar a uno en el hotel, restaurante, el mercado…en cualquier lado, alguien conocerá a alguien que te pueda llevar a donde tu quieras. Este itinerario incluye toda la isla (incluyendo la pequeña isla de Gili Trawangan) con la excepción de el lado oeste de la isla. Acá abajo les dejo un mapa de nuestro itinerario para que lo sigan: sigan la linea azul al igual que el alfiler rojo en la derecha (Gili Trawangan).

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Two Week Bali Itinerary [Indonesia]

If you’re visiting Bali, two weeks give you just the right amount of time to enjoy the island. Sure you can do one week and then go elsewhere in South East Asia, but you will miss out on a lot of great things. The best way to travel the island is by hiring a driver. You can find one at your hotel, in a restaurant, at the market… Pretty much anywhere, someone will know someone who can drive you. This itinerary includes the whole island (including Gili Trawangan) with the exception of the far west side. Below is a map so you can follow our itinerary: follow the blue line along with the pin on the right (Gili Trawangan).

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Trekking Mt.Batur [Trekking el Monte Batur]

Trekking Mt.Batur [Trekking el Monte Batur]

Climbing to the top of Mount Batur was without a doubt one of my favorite things about the trip to Bali, and maybe even one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. If you go to Bali and don’t climb to the top, you’re missing out on an incredible experience. It’s like going to Chicago and not eating deep dish pizza, or going to Paris and not visiting the Eiffel tower,… or going to Medellín and not eating arepa con quesito. Well… you get the point. [Versión en español abajo]

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Bali, Indonesia

Bali, Indonesia

This past Monday I came back from a two-week trip to Bali, Indonesia, an incredible island. Before leaving, we made an itinerary of the trip we wanted to make in Google Maps. We practically ended up crossing the whole island except for the West part… and we decided to spend the two weeks in Bali only to really enjoy and get to know not only the important places, but the people, the traditions, the food, etc. If getting to Bali from France is a long trip, from the American continent it is even longer, which is why in my opinion it is worth going at least two weeks. [Versión en español abajo]

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