Lo Mejor del 2017 1.¡Aprendi a esquiar! – I learned how to ski! Desde que llegue a Francia estuve con la intención de aprender a esquiar, pero apenas fue hasta a principios de este año que me puse juiciosa. No soy una experta, pero… no lo hago mal y bajo fácil las pistas azules. Para mi fue todo un reto porque pienso que aprender a esquiar de adulto es mas dificil. Since I had arrived in France I had the intention of learning how to ski, but it was only until the beginning of this year that I really got serious. I’m not an expert but… I’m not too bad at it and now I can easily do the blue slopes. Skiing was really a challenge for me, as I think the older you are the harder it is to learn. 2.Viaje sorpresa a Porto y compromiso – Surprise trip to Porto and engagement En junio de este año mi novio me sorprendió con un viaje sorpresa a Porto, Portugal, donde me propuso matrimonio en la terraza de un barco en el Douro, bajo las estrellas… In June of this year my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Porto, […]
¿Qué es Thanksgiving?
Día de Acción de Gracias (for English scroll down) ¿Qué es Thanksgiving? El día de Acción de gracias, conocido en inglés como Thanksgiving, es el día festivo más importante en los Estados Unidos, cae cada año el cuarto jueves de noviembre. En este día las familias se reúnen y hacen una fiesta donde dan gracias. El festín tiene origen en el año 1621, en Plymouth (Massachusetts), cuando los peregrinos e indígenas celebraron por primera vez un festín de cosecha de otoño, después de que los mismos indígenas les enseñasen a los peregrinos como cultivar las tierras. Sim embargo, no fue hasta 1863 que el presidente Abraham Lincoln proclamo el día como festivo nacional. Personalmente es una de mis tradiciones americanas preferidas, independientemente de religión o creencias es una excusa perfecta para que demos gracias por todas las cosas lindas que existen en nuestras vidas y que muchas veces damos por hecho. Una comida típica incluye: Pavo Puré de Papas Salsa de arándanos Judías verdes Pi de Calabaza Thanksgiving is the most important holiday celebrated in the United States, it falls every year on the fourth Thursday of every November. On this day, families gather for lunch or dinner and have […]
Top Things to See & Do in Pamplona
Cosas que ver y hacer en Pamplona Have you visited Pamplona, capital of the kingdom of Navarra? or well, now the region of Navarra. Most of us have heard about the famous running of the bulls or San Fermín Festival, but this beautiful city has a lot more to offer than bulls and partying. So, any time is a good time to visit Pamplona (especially during warm weather). If you’re making a trip through Spain I advise you to take a minimum of 2 whole days for Pamplona. We made the trip from the southwest of France by car which is relatively close as well. Here is a list of the top things to see & do in Pamplona! ¿Ya han visitado a Pamplona, capital del Reinado de Navarra? bueno, pues ahora la región de Navarra. Creo que la mayoría de nosotros hemos escuchado hablar sobre Pamplona y su famoso festival de San Fermín, pero esta hermosa ciudad tiene mucho más que ofrecer que toros y fiesta. Así que cualquier momento es buen momento para visitar Pamplona (en especial durante clima cálido). Si están haciendo un paseo por España les aconsejo que separen mínimo 2 días enteros para Pamplona, nosotros hicimos […]
Basque Coast Road Trip
[Paseo en carro por la Costa Vasca] Yes, we’ve all heard of the elegant Côte d’Azur in the south east of France and its crystalline waters. But have you heard of the Basque coast in the southwest of France? Hilly landscapes with the Pyrenees on its backdrop, white houses with red and blue frames, and sandy beaches with deep blue water, that’s the Basque Coast. Nothing to envy to other beach destinations of Europe. So let’s take a Basque Coast road trip starting in the Spain and heading north to the France. Claro, todos hemos escuchados de la elegante Costa Azul en el sudeste Frances con sus aguas cristalinas. ¿Pero han escuchado hablar sobre la Costa Vasca en el sudoeste de Francia? Un paisaje lleno de colinas con los Pirineos como fondo, sus típicas casas blancas con marcos rojos y azules, y playas de arena con aguas de color azul profundo, esa es la Costa Vasca. Nada que envidiarle a otros destinos playeras de Europa. Así que tomemos un paseo en carro por la Costa Vasca empezando en España y siguiendo hacia al norte hasta Francia. 1. Bilbao We start our trip in Bilbao, the capital of the Spanish […]
Moving to Aberdeen, Scotland
[ Me mudo a Escocia] Here we are again, in another city, another country, not knowing anyone, and with a lot of challenges ahead. A couple of months ago, my boyfriend’s company announced to us that this summer we were moving to Aberdeen, Scotland. I could lie to you, and tell you that by now I’m getting used to moving countries, but the truth is, you never get used to this sort of changes. Aquí estamos de nuevo, en otra ciudad, otro país, sin conocer a nadie, y con muchos retos por venir. Hace varios meses, la empresa para la que trabaja mi novio nos anunció que este verano nos estaríamos mudando a Aberdeen, Escocia. Les podría mentir y decir que, igual ya me estoy acostumbrando a esto de mudarme, pero creo que uno jamás se acostumbra a este tipo de cambio. Starting over can be difficult, especially if you were able to forge friendships and close ties where you lived. Moving to France was hard, but it was these difficulties that made me grow up as a person. While I was there, I decided that even though I missed my family and friends very much, I was going to […]
Paris – Bar & Restaurant Recommendations
[París – Recomendaciones de Bares & Restaurantes] One of the most dreadful things for me when visiting a new city is finding where to eat or have drinks. I want the BEST, but I hate looking. I want to recommend to you all the Swarm App, I love this app because you can check-in to all the places you go to, and this way they’ll always be saved on your profile, and it’s connected to FourSquare. After having visited Paris many times and since I moved to France, I have a pretty good list of my favorite Paris – bar & restaurant recommendations, I hope you like it!
Vietnam Food Diary
[Diario de Comida, Vietnam] The smell and colors of Asian food cannot be compared to others. And Vietnam is not the exception. When we arrived to the hotel, the first thing we did was look for a place to eat. And right next to our hotel, there was a small Bun Bo Nam Bo restaurant, maybe the best in the world (it was that delicious!). A Hanoi beer, and one of these bowl of noodles… nothing better to start this trip throughout Northern Vietnam. Enjoy my Vietnam food diary!
Top 5 Museums to Visit in Paris
[ Los 5 Mejores Museos Para Visitar en París ] Choosing which museums to visit your first time in Paris can be… overwhelming. This city has such a wide selection of museums, and they’re all so unique, that this task can be tough. Having stayed in Paris many times and having visited so many museums since I moved to France, I made a list of my top 5 museums to visit in Paris to help you out! This list doesn’t include churches or “monuments” such as the Opéra Garnier & the Panthéon, just purely art museums.
3 Maneras Para Ir a Vivir en Francia
[ 3 Ways To Go Live In France ] ¿Quien dijo que los sueños eran imposibles? Si siempre has querido tener la experiencia de vivir en el extranjero, acá te muestro 3 maneras para ir a vivir en Francia. ¡Disfruta! Who said dreams were impossible? If you’ve always wanted to have the experience of living abroad, specially in France, here are 3 ways to do do so. Enjoy!
Top 10 Things to do in Madrid [10 Cosas que Hacer en Madrid]
When visiting Spain for the first time, Madrid, is a must in your itinerary. One of the biggest cities in Europe, Madrid is a city full of life like no other. With a savory cuisine; cultural activities for every taste; an architectural blend from various historical periods; a city so open, where differences are not looked down upon; and a world capital that transforms when the sun goes down, from its famous ‘terrazas’ to dancing the night away; Madrid is a city for everyone. With flights coming in from all mayor cities in the world, and an easy transportation system to navigate, there’s no excuse for you to skip Madrid. So enjoy and make sure to check off the Top 10 Things to do in Madrid [10 Cosas que Hacer en Madrid].